roney :: تريكاوي ناشئ ::
المشاركات : 9 العمر : 27 محل الاقامة : alex الوظيفة : pupile الهوايات : intrnet بتشجع نادي إيه : نادي القرن طبعا ((الاهلي) لاعبك المفضل : كريستيانو رونالدو تاريخ التسجيل : 18/11/2009 التقييم : 0 نقاط : 5499 ::: :
| موضوع: افتراضي إلى الفيفااااا ( عااااجل ) 2009-11-20, 11:07 pm | |
| السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
بعد اللى شوفناه من جمهور الجزائر الهمجى فى السودان من اعتدائات على الجمهور المصرى المحترم انا بطلب من كل واحد يبعت للفيفا يطلب بالغاء نتيجة المبارة بعد اللى حصل الموضوع مهم جدا وممكن يجيب نتيجة ايجابية وتتلغى نتيجة المباراة وحصل قبل كده فعلاولو حتى ما اتلغتش النتيجة عشان يعرفوا ان احنا مش راضيين على اللى بيحصل وسكوت الفيفا لحد دلوقتى على اللى بيحصل ده ده لينك موقع الفيفا | هتفتحوه وتلاقوا :1- subject تختاروا : Feedback on National Teams' Fixtures and Results 2- what is your name ?هتكتبوا اى اسم 3- E Mailتكتبوا ايميلكم4- subjectتكتبوا : Bloody Events after the soccer match between Egypt and AlgeriaأوWithdrawal the Algerian team from qualifying to the World Cup5- Type youe message here تكتبوا نص الرسالة دى Dear Sir(s),Despite the calm events in ...Egypt which only was disturbed by some passionate cheerleading, we saw a lot of protesting from the Algerian side claiming that they were attacked, and there newspaper fabricated a lot of events and photos that was proved to be false.Yesterday after the final match between Egypt and Algeria in Sudan, and despite the win of the Algerian team, the Algerian Attacked all Egyptians in Sudan and also any Sudanese that carried an Egyptian Flag, they Were armed with knives that they bought from the Sudanese market before the game, this was planned as can be seen from their preparations days before the match, the result was a lot of victims (Egyptians and Sudanese) .The Events is well obvious and it disturbed all kinds of good relation that the Fifa claim to encourage, All we want is justice, please investigate this incident and take a disciplinary action to prevent such actions between any nations in the future
| وده نص تانى
FIFA Signatures is My game is Fair play and what Algerians did yesterday in the match with Egypt is not fair play. First :they Stormed the field before the match in Sudan, they destroyed the bus of Egyptian players , they Threatened players and Egyptian people with death Second : they through fire into the field during the match. Third : they stopped the Egyptian buses in Sudan and hit Egyptian people and some of them was killed or Permanently injured. So , it was not a fair game and what all we need is to rescue us and rescue what FIFA are trying to be applied in the spirit of sports Egypt Presented to the world The Best Youth World Cup so you must protect her right to access to the World Cup and re-calculating or outcome of the game in favor of Egypt our game is fair play Please cancel the score and play another qualifying match without fans in SOUTH AFRICA the next few days, hope to understand our feelings & thanks a lot
| وممكن تعملوا كوبى للنصين وتبعتوهم 6- فى تحت المربع بتاع نص الرسالة URLده حطوا فيها لينك الفيديو ده [url=][/url] او اى فيديو تانى فيه شغب واعتدائات ع المصريين ابعتوااا يا جماعةوحسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل فيهم |
Hassan Saleh :: تريكاوي ناشئ ::
المشاركات : 2 تاريخ التسجيل : 20/11/2009 التقييم : 0 نقاط : 5485 ::: :
| موضوع: رد: افتراضي إلى الفيفااااا ( عااااجل ) 2009-11-20, 11:59 pm | |
| Fédération Internationale de Football Association President: Joseph S. Blatter Dear Sir, I urge you to withdraw the Algerian team from qualifying to the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa because of their Barbarism behavior and lack of all sports ethics in your respected “FIFAs disciplinary Code”, by attacking the Egyptian team and Egyptian Citizens using weapons like knives and machetes before and after the match in Sudan on the 18th of November 2009. I have full faith of your wisdom and Justice in solving problems of this kind to keep the fair play rule alive. Thank you so much |