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الرسالة دي ظهرت لانك مش مسجل دخولك ... لو كنت عضو معانا اضغط دخول .. ولو لسة ماشتركتش اضغط تسجيل وهاتشترك معانا في خطوتين بس .. ولو مش حابب تشارك معانا اضغط اخفاء واستمتع بزيارتك .. واسفين لازعاجكـ .
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 West Ham off the bottom after win at Fulham

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
:: من كبار التريكاويه ::

:: من كبار التريكاويه ::

المشاركات : 5062
العمر : 34
محل الاقامة : alexandria egypt
بتشجع نادي إيه : ALAHLY)AND IE real madri
لاعبك المفضل : EMAD + cristiano
تاريخ التسجيل : 06/07/2009
التقييم : 4
نقاط : 15644
::: : لم يحصل علي أوسمة

West Ham off the bottom after win at Fulham Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: West Ham off the bottom after win at Fulham   West Ham off the bottom after win at Fulham Icon_minitime2010-12-27, 5:43 am

West Ham off the bottom after win at Fulham I.aspx?i=reuters%2f2010-12-26%2f%2f2010-12-26t145839z_01_djm112_rtridsp_3_soccer-england_reuters

West Ham moved off the bottom of the English Premier League after a
come-from-behind 3-1 win at Fulham on Boxing Day.

Avram Grant's side fell
behind early to Aaron Hughes's early header but two goals from Carlton Cole and
one from Frederic Piquionne sealed West Ham's first away win of the

The victory lifted West Ham off the foot of the table into third
from bottom, one point from safety.

Fulham dominated the first half and
took the lead when Simon Davies's cross found Hughes in space and he took
advantage to open the scoring after just 11 minutes.

Against the run of
play, West Ham equalized eight minutes before half-time through Cole and
Piquionne struck on the stroke of half- time to put the visitors ahead at the

Both sides had chances to score the fourth goal of the match but
it was West Ham who grabbed it, Cole latching onto a loose defensive header and
striking a superb first-time shot into the corner.

It was the first time
Cole has scored two goals in a Premier League match and his efforts will be a
massive boost to Avram Grant's hopes of remaining as the West Ham

Later on Boxing Day, Manchester United will be looking to
maintain their two-point lead at the top of the table by beating Sunderland at
Old Trafford.

Manchester City can go above Arsenal into second if they
can win at Newcastle, but the games between Blackpool and Liverpool, and Everton
and Birmingham City were postponed because of the freezing weather.

West Ham off the bottom after win at Fulham I.aspx?i=reuters%2f2010-12-26%2f%2f2010-12-26t162211z_01_djm115_rtridsp_3_soccer-england_reuters
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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

West Ham off the bottom after win at Fulham

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 

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