تريكة دوت كوم
الرسالة دي ظهرت لانك مش مسجل دخولك ... لو كنت عضو معانا اضغط دخول .. ولو لسة ماشتركتش اضغط تسجيل وهاتشترك معانا في خطوتين بس .. ولو مش حابب تشارك معانا اضغط اخفاء واستمتع بزيارتك .. واسفين لازعاجكـ .
تريكة دوت كوم
الرسالة دي ظهرت لانك مش مسجل دخولك ... لو كنت عضو معانا اضغط دخول .. ولو لسة ماشتركتش اضغط تسجيل وهاتشترك معانا في خطوتين بس .. ولو مش حابب تشارك معانا اضغط اخفاء واستمتع بزيارتك .. واسفين لازعاجكـ .
تريكة دوت كوم
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

تريكة دوت كوم
الفيديوالفيديو  أهداف ابو تريكهأهداف ابو تريكه  أحدث الصورأحدث الصور  خلفيات ابو تريكهخلفيات ابو تريكه  رئيسية الموقع  الرئيسيةالرئيسية  التسجيلالتسجيل  دردشة التريكاويه  راسلنا  دخولدخول  

شاطر | 

 50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
:: تريكاوي محدش قده ::

:: تريكاوي محدش قده ::

المشاركات : 1402
العمر : 15
تاريخ التسجيل : 06/10/2008
التقييم : 5
نقاط : 9376
::: : 50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Empty

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: 50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know   50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Icon_minitime2011-05-23, 12:31 am

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know 746579

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know 50crop
1. You are not the first.

There are very few ‘firsts’ these days. Countless others have started
studios, freelanced and requested internships. It can be done.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Mann15

2. There is always someone better.

Regardless of how good you are, there will always be someone better. It’s surprisingly easy to waste time worrying about this.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Ma1

3. Success is not a finite resource.

College fosters a zero-sum mentality: that someone has to fail for you to succeed. In truth, another’s success doesn’t limit yours.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Mann17

4. You cannot score without a goal.

If you don’t know what you want, then how can you pursue it? Having a
goal defines an end point, and subsequently, a place to start.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Mann18

5. Starting anything requires energy.

It takes more energy to start than it does to stop. This is true for
physics, your career, and that idea you need to work on.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Man7-599x240

6. The path to work is easier than you think.

To get into the industry you need just three things: great work,
energy and a nice personality. Many forget the last attribute.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Men14-599x220

7. Have a positive self-image.

Your self-perception is your most important asset. See yourself as the person you want to be and others will see this too.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Maan5

8. Get a clean, simple website up.

An online portfolio is the alpha and omega of your career. With a wealth of web services, there’s no excuse for not having a website.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Men13-599x280

9. Curate your work.

Never stop editing your portfolio. Three strong pieces are better
than ten weak ones – nobody looks for quantity, just quality.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Men12-599x280

10. Listen to your instincts.

If your work doesn’t excite you, then it won’t excite anyone else.
It’s hard to fake passion for mediocre work – scrap it.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Maan7

11. Make your work easy to see.

People are lazy. If you want them to look at your work, make it easy.
Most of the time employers simply want to see a JPG or PDF.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know M1

12. Hand-write addresses.

Clients, prospective employers and potential clients gravitate to
letters with handwritten addresses. The personal touch goes far.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Men10-599x260

13. Time is precious – get to the point.

Avoid profuse humour or gimmicks when contacting studios for work,
they’ve seen it all before. Get to the point, they’ll be thankful.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know M2

14. Never take an unpaid internship.

This is not a necessary evil – a studio that doesn’t pay their
interns (at least the minimum wage) is a studio not worth working for.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Maan9

15. Do as many internships as you can stand.

Internships are a financial burden, but they are vital. They let you
scope out the industry and find the roles that suit you best.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Maan22

16. Don’t waste your internship.

A studio’s work can dip, as can its energy. Ignore this and be
indispensable, the onus is on you to find something that needs doing.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Maan21

17. Make friends with a printer.

A good relationship with a printer is invaluable – they will help you save money and the environment.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know M3

18. Find your local D.I.Y. store and pound shop.

These places are invaluable resources of cheap and ready-made
artifacts ripe for tinkering, re-decoration and re-contextualisation.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Maan24

19. Be patient.

It’s not unusual to complete several internships and not find ‘a good
fit’. Try applying to a studio you hadn’t considered.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Maan25

20. Ask questions.

Assume nothing. Ask questions, even if you think you know the answers. You’ll be surprised at how little you know.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Maan111

21. Ask for opportunities.

It will feel cheeky, but ask for things. Ask to be included in
exhibitions, magazines, pitches – if you don’t ask, you can’t get.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Man8-599x228

22. Seek criticism, not praise.

You learn nothing by being told how great you are. Even if you think
your work’s perfect – seek criticism, you can always ignore it.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Men17-599x208

23. Make friends, not enemies.

The creative industry is a small world: it’s a network where everyone
knows everyone else. Remember this before pissing someone off.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know M4

24. News travels fast.

A good intern will find their reputation precedes them. Jobs are nearly always offered on this word-of-mouth evidence.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Men15-599x232

25. Don’t get drunk at professional events.

There’s a difference between being ‘merry’ and ‘paralytic’. The
latter costs you your dignity, your reputation and possibly your job.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Mann11

26. Network.

There’s some truth in ‘it’s not what you know, it’s who you know’.
Talk to people, send emails; at the very least sign up to Twitter.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Mann21

27. Dress smart – look business like.

Take your work seriously? Then take your appearance seriously.
Clients are more likely to deal with people who look like they care.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Ma2

28. Never work for free.

Not only does this devalue the profession, but it makes you look weak. Even a ‘nice’ client will take advantage of this.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Ma3

29. Negotiate.

If you really have to work for nothing, negotiate. Clients and studios have access to many resources that can be viewed as ‘payment’.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Mann5

30. Read contracts.

Never sign a contract before reading it. Subsequently, don’t begin
any job without a contract – you may have to write one yourself.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Mann211

31. Make your invoice stand out.

Businesses are deluged with invoices. Make yours stand out with
colour or shape and it’s likely to rise to the top of the ‘pay’ pile.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Mann6

32. There’s no such thing as a bad job.

Always push yourself to do your best. Logically, there’s no way you can be dissatisfied with ‘having done your best’.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Mann7

33. There’s no such thing as a bad client.

The onus is on you to make the client relationship work, not the
other way around. If it’s not working out, ‘fire’ them as a favour.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Mann8

34. Embrace limitations.

Limitations are invaluable for creating successful work: they give
you something to push against. From this tension comes brilliance.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Mann12

35. The environment is not a limitation.

The environmental impact of your work isn’t a fashionable
consideration – as a creative, it’s your most important consideration.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Mann13

36. Boring problems lead to boring solutions.

Always interrogate your brief: re-define the question. No two briefs should be the same;a unique problem leads to a unique solution .

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Mann111

37. New ideas are always ‘stupid’.

New ideas are conceived with no context and no measures of success –
this falsely makes them feel silly, awkward or even impossible.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know M5

38. Do not underestimate self-initiated work.

Clients get in touch because of self-initiated work. Ironically,
business is excited by ideas untouched by the concerns of business.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Mann9

39. Justify your decisions.

Clients fear arbitrary decisions – they want problem solving. Have a
reason for everything, even if this is ‘post-rationalised’.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Maan13

40. Show sketches, not polished ideas.

Clients often mistake ‘rough’ digital work for the final design. Show
sketches for as long as you can, it makes them feel involved.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Maan14

41. Work with the client, not against them.

You may think you’re right, but look at the client’s solution along with yours. Occasionally you’ll be surprised.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Maan15

42. Don’t always take no for an answer.

Fight for superior solutions. Demonstrate your thinking to your
client, take them through it – it’s hard to argue with logic.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Maan16

43. Pick your battles.

The creative industry is often infuriating, but not every argument is
an argument that needs to be had. This takes time to learn.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Maan18

44. If you’re going to fail, fail well.

Being ambitious means you have to take on things you think you can’t
do. Failures are unfortunate, but they are sometimes necessary.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Maan20

45. Be an auteur.

Regardless of who you’re working with, speak up if something’s not
right. Take it upon yourself to be the barometer of quality.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Maan19

46. Take responsibility for failure.

If a job’s going wrong take responsibility. It feels
counter-intuitive, but responsibility means you can do something about

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Maan12

47. Share your ideas.

You’ve nothing to gain from holding on to your ideas; they may feel
precious, but the more you share, the more new ideas you’ll have.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Maan11

48. Get out of the studio.

Good design is crafted from understanding the relationships between
things. These connections can’t be found when locked in a studio.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Mann20

49. Awards are nice, but not vital.

Awards look good on the shelf, but clients seldom pick up the phone because of them. Solid work encourages that.

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Mann19

50. Don’t take yourself too seriously.

Take your work seriously, take the business of your craft seriously,
but don’t take yourself seriously. People who do are laughed at.

نصائح مهمة للمصممين المبتدئين

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know 10ul0
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: 50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know   50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Icon_minitime2011-05-23, 6:55 pm

النبي عربي....ممممممممممم
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
kamatsho treika
:: مشرف سابق ::

:: مشرف سابق ::
kamatsho treika

المشاركات : 5201
محل الاقامة : هنا
الوظيفة : جندى مقاتل
تاريخ التسجيل : 03/10/2008
التقييم : 11
نقاط : 10772
::: : مسابقة الشعر

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: 50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know   50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Icon_minitime2011-05-26, 6:41 pm

thnx ya madyan

وربنا يجعله بقايده
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
لؤلؤة التريكاوية
:: من كبار التريكاويه ::

:: من كبار التريكاويه ::
لؤلؤة التريكاوية

المشاركات : 8324
العمر : 28
محل الاقامة : Damietta
الوظيفة : طالبة
الهوايات : العزفـــــ
بتشجع نادي إيه : نادى القرن
لاعبك المفضل : ابو تريكة
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/12/2008
التقييم : 18
نقاط : 14371
::: : 50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Empty

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: 50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know   50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Icon_minitime2011-05-26, 6:45 pm

good information
we learn from you
thanks a lot
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
:: المديـر العـــام ::


المشاركات : 11175
محل الاقامة : Giza - Egypt
الوظيفة : Engineer, Graphic Designe
الهوايات : designing,football,drawing...
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/11/2006
التقييم : 42
نقاط : 13904
::: : 50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Empty

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: 50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know   50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Icon_minitime2011-05-28, 9:17 pm

Anonymous كتب:
النبي عربي....ممممممممممم

peace be upon him
عليه افضل الصلاة والسلام

kamatsho treika كتب:
thnx ya madyan

وربنا يجعله بقايده

ميغسي يا كيمو :D

لؤلؤة التريكاوية كتب:
good information
we learn from you
thanks a lot

الوت مرة واحدة هههههههههه ثانكس يا لؤلؤ
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Basma Mostafa
:: تريكاوي 100 100 ::

:: تريكاوي 100 100 ::
Basma Mostafa

المشاركات : 918
العمر : 32
محل الاقامة : Cairo
الوظيفة : Faculty of Fine Arts.
لاعبك المفضل : Messi
تاريخ التسجيل : 17/04/2011
التقييم : 2
نقاط : 6043
::: : لم يحصل علي أوسمة

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: 50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know   50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Icon_minitime2011-05-28, 9:24 pm

ايه بسسسس الابداع ده
حجات جميلة اوى
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
waleed sobhy
:: من كبار التريكاويه ::

:: من كبار التريكاويه ::
waleed sobhy

المشاركات : 4777
العمر : 37
محل الاقامة : الكويت حاليا
الوظيفة : Technician
الهوايات : كرة القدم_السباحة_ البلاى استيشن
بتشجع نادي إيه : الاهلى المصرى_A.sميلان
لاعبك المفضل : ابو تريكة ... عماد متعب
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/09/2009
التقييم : 16
نقاط : 10916
::: : 2011 ديسمبر

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: 50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know   50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Icon_minitime2011-05-28, 9:33 pm

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know 347809
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
:: المديـر العـــام ::


المشاركات : 11175
محل الاقامة : Giza - Egypt
الوظيفة : Engineer, Graphic Designe
الهوايات : designing,football,drawing...
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/11/2006
التقييم : 42
نقاط : 13904
::: : 50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Empty

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: 50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know   50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Icon_minitime2011-05-29, 12:23 am

Basma Mostafa كتب:
ايه بسسسس الابداع ده
حجات جميلة اوى

waleed sobhy كتب:
50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know 347809

متحطش فنفسك كدا .. بتحصل والله :D
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
شذى الجنان
:: تريكاوي محدش قده ::

:: تريكاوي محدش قده ::
شذى الجنان

المشاركات : 1661
العمر : 29
محل الاقامة : مصر
الوظيفة : طالبه جامعية
الهوايات : البحث عن المجهول
بتشجع نادي إيه : الاهلى
لاعبك المفضل : محمد أبوتريكه
تاريخ التسجيل : 19/01/2011
التقييم : 21
نقاط : 7042
::: : لم يحصل علي أوسمة

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: 50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know   50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Icon_minitime2011-05-29, 1:21 am

thnx ya kb3r

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
:: تريكاوي محدش قده ::

:: تريكاوي محدش قده ::

المشاركات : 1402
العمر : 15
تاريخ التسجيل : 06/10/2008
التقييم : 5
نقاط : 9376
::: : 50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Empty

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: 50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know   50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know Icon_minitime2012-06-24, 2:13 am

شذى الجنان كتب:
thnx ya kb3r

u r welcome
50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know 748383

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

50Things .. Every Graphic Design Student Should Know

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تريكة دوت كوم :: °l||l° تكنولوجيا التريكاويه °l||l° :: قلعة الابداع والتصاميم-