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الرسالة دي ظهرت لانك مش مسجل دخولك ... لو كنت عضو معانا اضغط دخول .. ولو لسة ماشتركتش اضغط تسجيل وهاتشترك معانا في خطوتين بس .. ولو مش حابب تشارك معانا اضغط اخفاء واستمتع بزيارتك .. واسفين لازعاجكـ .
تريكة دوت كوم
الرسالة دي ظهرت لانك مش مسجل دخولك ... لو كنت عضو معانا اضغط دخول .. ولو لسة ماشتركتش اضغط تسجيل وهاتشترك معانا في خطوتين بس .. ولو مش حابب تشارك معانا اضغط اخفاء واستمتع بزيارتك .. واسفين لازعاجكـ .
تريكة دوت كوم
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

تريكة دوت كوم
الفيديوالفيديو  أهداف ابو تريكهأهداف ابو تريكه  أحدث الصورأحدث الصور  خلفيات ابو تريكهخلفيات ابو تريكه  رئيسية الموقع  الرئيسيةالرئيسية  التسجيلالتسجيل  دردشة التريكاويه  راسلنا  دخولدخول  

شاطر | 

 (Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
:: المديـر العـــام ::


المشاركات : 11175
محل الاقامة : Giza - Egypt
الوظيفة : Engineer, Graphic Designe
الهوايات : designing,football,drawing...
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/11/2006
التقييم : 42
نقاط : 13905
::: : (Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos Empty

(Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: (Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos   (Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos Icon_minitime2011-05-28, 8:22 pm

1. Water and a Girl
Beautiful composition, excellent scenery, amazing play of colors.
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2. The Ball is Coming!
shot with Seagull 6×6 (Chinese clone of Rolleiflex), made in 1983. “The
gulfball is suspended on a fishing line in front of the camera. It was a
stormy day. So I had to shoot 5 or 6 films for getting one image with
the ball in the center position AND a light reflection on the golf
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3. Sky
The sky is reflected in a drop of water. Beautiful scenery.
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4. Returning to the same ocean
Beautiful sand textures, beautiful composition and somehow a very sad story hidden behind the image.
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5. Tree
A colorful tree from a different perspective.
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6. Gizmo
How adorable is that?
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7. Glittery Ball
reflection in this water droplet, it looks like the glitter is stuck to
the water, but NO, it is reflections from the glitter on the feather.”
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8. Yaw? Weeeee
You probably shouldn’t try this in your local trains. Such pictures are unforgettable.
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9. Leap of Faith
What does being one step away from falling into the abyss feel like? The photo is taken by Paul Perton.
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10. Astronaut Self-shot Over Earth
Could this be the best self-shot ever? It’s truly out of this world.
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11. Autumn in red
Pure beauty. No words are necessary.
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12. FlickrMeeting – Genova – G3
Blue baloon, a small detail, gives the picture an incredible power.
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13. Sea in the sea
Incredible scenery. Apparently, the shot was made on the boat in the middle of the sea.
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14. If I was an old building…
I was an old building I would want to be by the ocean. Till’ the end of
times”. Photographed at the old fishing piers of the Texas Bolivar
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15. Bee the Cat
“It’s hard to get the right exposure, with them being white, and with the fact they don’t stay still unless they’re sleeping.”
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16. Passing the Golden Gate Bridge
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17. Glow
Smoke from a leaf pile.
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18. Swimming pool
Taking a look at the swimming pool. From a quite different perspective.
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19. Reflect
A reflection from the louvre’s pyramid.
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20. Time To Go Home…
“Tthe way the birds are lined up makes the composition extraordinary fantastic.”
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21. Seagull on a sign
This seagull seems to have its own personal understanding of human’s rules.
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22. Marshmellow girl
A beautiful composition.
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23. Refashioned Dahlia
Photo taken at Duncan Garden in Spokane, WA.
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24. Bird and Meat
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25. Water drop
A photo taken at the exact right time. Available as a desktop wallpaper in various resolutions.
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26. Mt. Fuji
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27. Two ways at looking at a fish
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28. Blessed fog
A shot of Grande Madre di Dio in Torino, Italy.
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29. Family of bugs
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30. Pigeon Point Lighthouse
per year at the Pigeon Point Lighthouse they shut down the weak insipid
modern (presumably electric) light and switch over the the 5 kerosene
lamps and fresnel lens of the original, as it was 135 years ago.”
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31. Fire Shot
Location: Changa Beach, Coquimbo.
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32. A conversation
Fox, bird and snow. This picture is titled “Good afternoon, my name is chikiricuatro”.
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33. Shanghai – Acrobatic
Picture taken during an acrobatic show in a Shanghainese theatre.
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34. Northern lights as seen from space
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35. Red October Rise
Sunrise over Bogie Lake, Michigan.
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36. Crystal clarity
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37. Skier’s Paradise
partner at 17,000′ on Denali carrying his skis down to around 16,200′
where he will be able to ski down the rest of the way to base camp at
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38. Bird and Water
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39. Photograph Taken at the Exact Right Time
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40. All alone.
This shot is taken on a Norway’s cliff Prekestolen (also known as Preacher’s Pulpit).
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41. Looking out of the window
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42. Above the clouds
The shot taken during the flight from Vienna to Frankfurt, approaching Frankfurt.
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43. The Waves
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44. The Waves. One more time.
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45. Cockfight
Taken by Jan Sochor.
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46. Polar lights
Öxarárfoss in Iceland – Aurora Borealis taken by Arnar Valdimarsson.
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47. Concentration
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48. Cat and deer
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49. Here floats a bubble in the air…
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50. A girl portrait
(Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos Photos-21

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Basma Mostafa
:: تريكاوي 100 100 ::

:: تريكاوي 100 100 ::
Basma Mostafa

المشاركات : 918
العمر : 32
محل الاقامة : Cairo
الوظيفة : Faculty of Fine Arts.
لاعبك المفضل : Messi
تاريخ التسجيل : 17/04/2011
التقييم : 2
نقاط : 6044
::: : لم يحصل علي أوسمة

(Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: (Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos   (Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos Icon_minitime2011-05-28, 8:28 pm

Really Wonderful
thanks for the stunning effort
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
:: المديـر العـــام ::


المشاركات : 11175
محل الاقامة : Giza - Egypt
الوظيفة : Engineer, Graphic Designe
الهوايات : designing,football,drawing...
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/11/2006
التقييم : 42
نقاط : 13905
::: : (Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos Empty

(Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: (Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos   (Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos Icon_minitime2011-05-28, 8:39 pm

Basma Mostafa كتب:
Really Wonderful
thanks for the stunning effort

It's just copy and past :D
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
AmiRa 3mR
:: من كبار التريكاويه ::

:: من كبار التريكاويه ::
AmiRa 3mR

المشاركات : 13412
العمر : 29
محل الاقامة : Balady
الوظيفة : Student
الهوايات : El tarekh / Reading/EL AHLY
بتشجع نادي إيه : MY best team :El Ahly
لاعبك المفضل : treika we bas
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/07/2009
التقييم : 40
نقاط : 22545
::: : (Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos 34896247

(Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: (Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos   (Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos Icon_minitime2011-05-29, 6:33 pm

woOoOw very nice
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
:: المديـر العـــام ::


المشاركات : 11175
محل الاقامة : Giza - Egypt
الوظيفة : Engineer, Graphic Designe
الهوايات : designing,football,drawing...
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/11/2006
التقييم : 42
نقاط : 13905
::: : (Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos Empty

(Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: (Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos   (Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos Icon_minitime2011-05-30, 9:47 pm

AmiRa 3mR كتب:
woOoOw very nice

thx ya amira
u r welcome
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
شذى الجنان
:: تريكاوي محدش قده ::

:: تريكاوي محدش قده ::
شذى الجنان

المشاركات : 1661
العمر : 29
محل الاقامة : مصر
الوظيفة : طالبه جامعية
الهوايات : البحث عن المجهول
بتشجع نادي إيه : الاهلى
لاعبك المفضل : محمد أبوتريكه
تاريخ التسجيل : 19/01/2011
التقييم : 21
نقاط : 7043
::: : لم يحصل علي أوسمة

(Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: (Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos   (Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos Icon_minitime2011-05-30, 10:56 pm

Thnx U M.Ahmed

That's very nice
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
:: المديـر العـــام ::


المشاركات : 11175
محل الاقامة : Giza - Egypt
الوظيفة : Engineer, Graphic Designe
الهوايات : designing,football,drawing...
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/11/2006
التقييم : 42
نقاط : 13905
::: : (Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos Empty

(Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: (Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos   (Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos Icon_minitime2011-05-31, 5:15 pm

thx eman
i hope u like it
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

(Really) Stunning Pictures and Photos

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 

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